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RapSouL release their new single called "Show Us (Some Love)" : Demo Song

Written by kaitor on 6:02 AM

RapSouL is about the music, the soul, the dream, the brotherhood and the friendship That we shared together. RapSouL had release their new single called "Show Us (Some Love)". First time heard this song, I didn’t believe our local artist produce this very high quality music arrangement. I just open RapSouL blog and browse another page, when the music start played, I was surprised the music arrangement sound very professional. Honestly I had played this song over and over again. If you Hip Hop fans, you should listen this songs.

This songs was compose around 2006 but only release on 2008 after get golden touch 'pre-mastering' from Mr.Sitaring . Visit RapSouL blog to listen their demo songs. I bet you, you will fall in love with their music. Wish a best of luck to RapSouL and work hard to produce your album. If you guys give a good product (music) I believe audience will buy your album. Now days , free music (download or burn cd) is normal, but remember you need a good business plan to sell out your product. Think bigger and you will get biggest, do not limit your target market only Sabah or Malaysia but try to promote you song internationally. Use internet, less cost but big impact. Who know big recording company interested in your music for an example Pop Shuvit and Atama.

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